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Тэрэлж - Хан Хэнтий : Нохойн чарганы аялал

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

A unique experience to live with us by dog sledding in the Khan Khenty National park

Welcome to "dog sledding world" !

You'll live with us and our dogs, an incredible adventure.

In Terelj we propose 2 kinds of tours, a short one, 5 days or a longer one, on 7 days.

The 5 days tour is perfect, if you never intend some winter outdoor experience, we sleep each night in a warm comfortable Mongolian nomadic ger.

The 7 days tour, is a little more adventure, we'll enter in a pristine wild area of the Khan Khenty national park and we'll have 2 overnights in a "mobile" ger, in the middle of nowhere.

Lets speak about a 5 days tour on the Tuul river. 5 days to run a 160/170 km loop driving your own sled, pulled by a team of 5 to 6 Alaskan dogs. A first soft day, to let you to understand "how all this is working", warms picnics and warm evening in a guest ger, close to the nomadic family.

Terelj region is part of a mountain range with summits up to 2700 m. Cover with large forest areas, Terelj is also a shrine for wild fauna. The park is endowed with zones of steppes and of splendid rocky structures, among which the most known is Mekhii Khad, erratic block reminding the form of a turtle, that is the origin of its name. This natural monument is one of the most visited by the Mongolians. A place favored for this adventure between nature and culture, you will drive yourself a s led pulled by 5 - 6 dogs on the meanders of rivers Tuul and Khagiin. Meetings with our nomadic friends and discovery of a timeless life and famous nomadic "hospitality". “ Winter in Terelj is strict and cruel, between - 25°C to – 35°C, but very dry air and with an adapted equipment, this adventure journey can be possible for everybody. Cold and pure air give an unbelievable ambience, the ice sublimated by cold, float as a smoke, up to the ice which frosts over in the slightest contact, ice of the river, compressed by cold, arches the back, twists, curls, letting seep through some water which continues passing under her, going back up to the surface and changing the landscape from day to day… level of the river goes up every day, narrow passages between 2 rocks are transformed in few days into a broad lane and glides.” Unforgettable and intense journey …

Your adventure land.

The river Tuul, the same that runs in the middle of the capital, takes its source in

the centre of the Khenty massif, it is on her ice cordo n that you will slide during a

part of this route.

On its junction with the river Khagiin, you will leave Tuul, to go up in altitude

towards the black lake.

This zone is particularly wild, fauna is abounding but you’ll probably see only

traces left by the wolves, elks, musk deer, gluttons, lynx, variable foxes and

hare….Quiet a frustration …

The dogs : Alaskans & Greenland dogs

The main part of them are Alaskans Huskies, amazing dynamism and kindness,

always ready for job, as hard it can be, always in research of contact with the

musher, what also one of the important point of the journey.

In the team, there are some Greenland dogs, more rustic and more wild than

Alaskans, but they have their own good sides…. just need to know how to

approach them.

On the sleds, teams are constituted from 5 to 6 dogs, whom every apprentice-

musher will have to drive and manage during the trip. For other things, to put the

harness, to prepare the equipment, to feed this friendly & noisy band, it will be up

to you to take in charge or let us do and admire quietly the beauty of landscapes.


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